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Elle explains how she stays welle - the Australian Way.

“Australians are renowned for being health conscious, curious and authentic.

Because we search for what’s clean and best for our health, we ask lots of questions – is this ingredient organic and where did it come from? What practices were used to make this food?  What is in our food and how will it benefit my body?

As an Australian-based company that prides itself on only using premium wholefood nutrients, we ask these questions for our customers. I think that this, combined with the fact that we are a brand that has spearheaded the ingestible health and plant-based movement, has allowed us to formulate products that answer those questions. I believe this is what has provided WelleCo longevity and ongoing relevance.

Nothing I put on my skin compares to what I put inside my body, so I make sure that my cells are getting all the plant-based nutrients they need in order to detox and replenish. This is what I truly believe is welleness the Australian way and what drives myself and the team at WelleCo.

For me, there is no better way to start the day than with a healthy amount of plant-based nutrients. Every morning I add 2 teaspoons of WelleCo SUPER ELIXIR Greens to 500mL of filtered water. It provides all 11 systems with the nutrients they need for the day ahead. Formulated with 45 unique botanicals, it is absorbed at a cellular level, so it efficiently balances the body and gives my skin a radiant glow. I see it almost like putting cream on my face.

How the body works and how we can heal ourselves through natural sciences and nutrition is compelling to me, and WelleCo is an extension of my experiences. Living life to the full, moving my body and nourishing myself with premium plant-based nutrients everyday without fail, I believe, is welleness the Australian way.”