In the name of health and wellness, editor Nicole Spellman from BARNEYS NEW YORK took on the 30 Day SUPER ELIXIR Challenge.
“As a millennial consumer, I’m not one to shy away from a new trend in the wellness and beauty sphere. When there’s a novel fitness class, I book it. A new face mask? It’s in my shopping cart already. I’m keen on self-care but hadn’t yet ventured into trying ingestible products, even though they promise ample health and beauty benefits from the inside out.
With the exciting launch of nutricosmetrics at Barneys New York, I was eager to trial one of these wellness-driven formulas and WelleCo SUPER ELIXIR Greens —packed with 45 premium whole food ingredients including probiotics, acai, pomegranate, spirulina, turmeric, omega 3, dandelion, mushrooms, and Chinese herbs, to name a few—more than fit the bill.
WelleCo's assortment piqued my interest with its sleek packaging and impressive co-founder, supermodel Elle Macpherson. The brand was founded in 2014, after Elle worked with nutritionist Dr. Simone Laubscher PhD to find an easy, all-in-one supplement to fit her health and lifestyle needs. After consuming the SUPER ELIXIR daily and seeing results, Elle decided to bring the greens to the market.
Before starting the program, I was in a post-holiday rut with fatigue and winter skin issues. My initial thoughts on the green powder was that it had a fruity, herbal taste with a familiar texture reminiscent of matcha. This all made the first sip less intimidating, and I loved knowing that it was packed with vitamins and minerals. For the first few days, I tried SUPER ELIXIR in the recommended method of mixing two teaspoons into one cup of filtered water. I later experimented with almond milk and blended the formula into banana smoothies. While SUPER ELIXIR is absorbed easily into any beverage of choice, it needed to be consumed quickly before the fibrous ingredients could separate.
For optimum results, WelleCo recommends consuming the greens an hour on either side of caffeine to fully experience an energy boost from its active ingredients. Elle says that it takes the body 30 days to form a habit, which is why they challenge wellness enthusiasts to try their products for a month consecutively. For myself, I noticed a stronger outcome when drinking SUPER ELIXIR in the morning rather than evenings. Before the challenge, I’d crave a 3 p.m. sugar fix, but that soon subsided as I experienced consistent energy levels throughout the day.
Since I had a direct line to the WelleCo team, I asked how Elle prefers to intake her greens and was pleasantly met with a recipe in response. Elle enjoys mixing the elixir with fresh coconut water or her go-to smoothie recipe, the “Glow Getter.”

The full WelleCo suite includes the SUPER ELIXIR Greens, NOURISHING PLANT PROTEIN, and SLEEP WELLE Calming Tea, all of which provide great nutritional and health benefits from kickstarting the body’s metabolism to calming levels of stress.
How does Elle stay motivated to stick to her own wellness routine?
“Mixing things up everyday is key for me. When it comes to diet and exercise, I try and listen to what my body needs. I used to follow a strict routine of high intensity training, but now I mix it up outdoors. Come mid-morning, my body either asks for protein or greens too so mixing it up applies to my diet as well.”
Overall, after the SUPER ELIXIR 30-day challenge I felt more energized, less bloated, and saw my complexion clear up within the first two weeks. With supermodel Elle Macpherson as inspiration, I hope to stick to this routine. I may even get creative and incorporate some chocolate via WelleCo NOURISHING PLANT PROTEIN—an added, delicious bonus.”
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